Past Performances

Rehearsal weekend at Rushton

Fri, 27 Sep 2024 to Sun, 29 Sep 2024
First meet up after the summer holidays saw us back again at Rushton village hall for our second rehearsal weekend of the year.

Friday evening, as usual, was all about meeting and catching up, eating – always important -then sectional practises, followed by us all getting together to play through the new piece which will be in our repertoire for the Autumn concerts at Youlgreave and Priddy. It was so lovely to welcome Ruth back into our midst – she has been very sorely missed, especially by the 3rds and 4ths! And sad too that Debi and Melanie weren’t able to make it this time. But Jackie and Jan did a brilliant job as the only seconds remaining - especially with Debbie’s solo bits as well - so a huge well done to them.

Saturday morning was general repertoire rehearsal as usual, with a lot of attention to finer details that we had possibly got a bit too relaxed about!! After lunch most of us went on a guided walk with Gill around the grounds of Rushton Hall Farm, whose owners had kindly invited her (and us) to explore it. It was a beautifully sunny afternoon, the gardens were looking lovely and we even saw a kingfisher at the edge of the lake, along with a number of fishermen and women all sitting patiently with their rods. A wedding was being held at the Rushton Hall so we had a lovely musical accompaniment to part of the walk!

Rehearsals resumed both before and again after dinner, with a lot of work on both the rest of the repertoire and the new piece – and we didn’t stop until 10 o’clock!!!
Sunday we did more practise on the remainder of the repertoire and the new piece and again recorded a number of the repertoire pieces so that we can put them up on the website. They are very useful for practising along to when we are in between weekends.

So it was a very intense weekend of practise and we’re now really looking forward to the two concert weekends at Youlgreave in October and Priddy in November. Details of both these concerts are on our website and if you are on our mailing list you will already have received information about them. We look forward to seeing you there.

Huge thank you to Jane for her hard work and patience. She was, as always, amazing, and every time we meet she gives us tips on different techniques of playing which is helping us all to improve the way we play and the sound we make. So, yet another thoroughly enjoyable weekend – we really do love coming together and being able to play music like this.

No.1 LAO Concert in Liskeard, Cornwall

Sat, 11 May 2024
Each weekend we meet up seems to surpass the previous weekend and this weekend certainly was no exception. The weather was fabulous, the setting was just gorgeous, everything was very relaxed, the audience at our show were plentiful and joined in with enthusiasm and the Aurora Borealis appeared in all it’s glory on the Saturday night – what more could anyone ask!

We were all staying at Karen’s farm in Cornwall which was just lovely. Some of us travelled down on the Thursday and had a lovely meal out together at a local pub in the evening. A certain amount of wine was consumed and it so happened that a Morris side were playing and dancing outside the pub whilst we were eating. As several of our members are also Morris dancers we were very interested in going out to watch after we had finished eating. Five minutes chat later we were invited to join the side for their last dance – even though some of us had never danced any Morris before and were totally clueless!! We were presented with handkerchiefs and we were off, much to everyone else’s hilarity. To cap it all – literally – we were each presented with much decorated hats and had a group photograph taken. Back to the farmhouse where we played until about 10pm.

Whilst the remaining members were driving down on Friday we were lucky enough to spend some down time relaxing, walking over the valley and through the bluebell woods, where Karen decided to cool off by lying down in the stream – accidentally!! – exploring the greenhouse and amazingly productive raised vegetable beds and being constantly entertained by the flock of guinea fowl which followed us everywhere.

Many of us also ventured into Matt’s workshop – an Aladdin’s cave of beautifully turned bowls, vases, plates – where you can see every stage of the production process from raw wood in its natural state right through to the finished product. Totally fascinating and you quickly realise that you need a really good eye and a lot of imagination to see the potential for something uniquely beautiful in each piece of wood.

By Friday evening everyone had arrived. Debbie treated us all to an Aperol and prosecco spritzer to start the evening off and yet another fabulous meal followed.

We then went into the Piggery to rehearse the first half of the repertoire and it all went very well – perhaps we should all have an Aperol aperitif before our concerts in future??
Saturday morning was spent on the second half of the repertoire, again finishing in time for a big lunch as we wouldn’t have time for a proper meal later. In the afternoon, after cutting and bagging the cakes and making up our meal boxes, we had some down time to walk, rest or chat and to get everything organised for transporting to the hall at 4pm. The hall was quite large and the chairs and tables were quite heavy so it took a lot of work to get it all arranged to our satisfaction with the usual routine of a table for the bar, another for the cakes, another for the merchandise and yet another for the raffle prizes – a new venture for us. A quick sound check then a bit of down time to eat our picnic teas, get changed and finally Debbie’s fabulous stretching and relaxing routine just before we went on.

Thanks to Karen’s efforts the hall was full and we had to put out extra chairs. The audience were lovely, singing and clapping in all the right places and humming along with the songs they knew and it was such a lovely warm atmosphere. We had very positive feedback from many members of the audience afterwards - always appreciated. And to make an already lovely day absolutely perfect the Aurora Borealis arrived just before midnight and lit up the whole sky with an amazing display of colour. Absolutely perfect.

Sunday morning we had a very relaxed rehearsal of some new repertoire which will be introduced later in the year. A few of the ladies left in the afternoon for home but the rest of us went to the seaside. It was a gloriously sunny day, the sea didn’t even feel cold! So several went in for a proper swim and several of us paddled – what a treat! - followed by ice creams outside the cafĂ© in the sun courtesy of Gill – thank you Gill!. Debbie and Karen conjured up another amazing meal with all the left-overs and we spent the rest of the evening very happily watching the Lion king on the big screen in the piggery with surround sound and quite a lot of audience participation! A really lovely day – it’s not often we have so much time all together just relaxing and it was wonderful.

So a huge thank you to Karen and Matt for looking after us so well and doing such a magnificent job of organising and publicising the event – what a success! We will be on our summer break for the next few months before the next rehearsal weekend in September. But we will be back in the Autumn with concerts at Youlgreave in Derbyshire in October and  Priddy in Somerset in November.

Details of all our concerts are on our website and Facebook page so, if you are in the area, please do come and join us. And if you want to receive advance notice of our concerts then please join our mailing list. Have a wonderful summer everyone.

No. 1 LAO Concert, Exning, Cambridgeshire

Sat, 13 Apr 2024

Well, what a fabulous weekend – weatherwise and every other way! It was lovely to all be staying in the same accommodation for the whole weekend – it doesn’t often happen - and the guide hut in Exning was in such beautiful surroundings, woodland all around us, deer and hares bobbing around, owls hooting at night – just wonderful.

Friday evening, after the usual fabulous food prepared by our ladies, we rehearsed the whole of the first half of the repertoire and it went really well – always a lovely way to start the weekend, especially as it doesn’t always happen!

Saturday morning we spent on the second half of the repertoire, finishing in time for a big lunch as we wouldn’t have time for a proper meal later – you will have gathered by now that eating is quite important to the ladies! We have a fine dining planner which everyone fills in beforehand so that we always know exactly what is being brought and when we are going to eat it. After lunch we had some down time, to walk, rest or chat, put together a picnic tea each and to get everything organised for transporting to the hall at 4pm. There was then quite a lot of work to do, getting all the tables and chairs out and setting them up, organising the kitchen so that we could serve tea, coffee and cakes in the interval, setting up the merchandise, cake and ticket tables. Then a quick sound check, eating of picnic teas, changing into our finery, a quick limber up and relaxation with Debbie and we were ready to roll.

We knew that quite a few of the Cambridge Accordion Club would be coming along to the concert so we were already feeling a little anxious about that. Also there was the possibility that Ian and Sam, who run the London Accordion Orchestra, might also be in the audience and that was very daunting!! We had a really good turn out, the hall was full, the audience were lovely, singing and clapping in all the right places and humming along with the songs they knew and it was such a lovely atmosphere. We had very positive feedback from many members of the audience, always appreciated, and Gill, one of our basso players, was invited by Sam to join the London Accordion Orchestra as well! Such an honour for her – so she may well be joining Karen there.

Sunday morning Dawn, one of the Cambridge Accordion Club members and a long standing friend of Jane’s, came along to our practise session and joined in, which was lovely. We also spent some time working on the new repertoire pieces. After lunch those with the longest journeys left whilst the rest stayed for a while longer.

So a huge thank you to Frances and Jane for doing such a magnificent job of organising and publicising the event – what a success! Our next concert will be in Lostwithiel Community Centre in Cornwall on Saturday May 11th at 7.30pm. We have already sold 50 tickets so hurry before they run out! If you can come and join us for another evening of music and fun we would love to see you there.

Details of all our concerts are on our website and Facebook page so, if you are in the area, please do come and join us. And if you want to receive advance notice of our concerts then please join our mailing list.

Well, what a fabulous weekend – weatherwise and every other way! It was lovely to all be staying in the same accommodation for the whole weekend – it doesn’t often happen - and the guide hut in Exning was in such beautiful surroundings, woodland all around us, deer and hares bobbing around, owls hooting at night – just wonderful.

Rehearsal Weekend

Fri, 8 Mar 2024 to Sun, 10 Mar 2024
First meet up of 2024 saw us back at Rushton village hall for our first rehearsal weekend of the year. It has become our favourite venue for the rehearsal only weekends as it is about as central as we can get, although still a long way for some, and has everything we need, including nice countryside for a walk if the weather is feeling kind.

Friday evening was all about meeting and catching up, eating – our fine dining planner works a treat and the meals are amazing – and then a general orchestral rehearsal. Normally we would use this time for sectional practice, but with Liz being on a sabbatical and Ruth unable to attend we were very short in the 3rd and 4th section, so Kate was drafted in to fill the gap and she amazed us all with her brilliant sight reading. Jane had also sent us the parts for 3 new pieces which we hope to be performing at our concerts this year, one of which has been arranged specifically for our orchestra by our very own Karen, so we played through these as well. It is absolutely beautiful and we hope that you will all love it as much as we do! Special thanks to Debbie for making it there too as she had had an operation on her knee and had to play with her leg up on a chair for the duration – that’s dedication for you!!!

Saturday we went through the whole repertoire to get us back into the groove – it had been 4 months since we last met up so it was lovely to blow the cobwebs away and feel it all beginning to gel again. A number of us went for a walk in the sun after lunch but the technically able amongst us sorted out the technology to get everyone on to the new No1 Ladies Accordion Orchestra website which Gill has spent hours and weeks creating. It is fabulous and such an improvement on the old one so we are all very excited about that. We spent the rest of the afternoon and evening working really hard on the new pieces and they were all beginning to come together really well. 

Sunday morning we recorded a number of the repertoire pieces so that we can put them up on the website and make them available to members to use as a practice aid. Then the remainder of the day we concentrated on the 3 new pieces and are really excited about them. Huge thankyou to Jane as always for her hard work and patience, especially as she was just getting over a nasty cold and not feeling at her best but she was, as always, amazing. Yet another thoroughly enjoyable weekend – we really do love coming together and being able to play music like this.

This year will see us with concerts in Newmarket in April and Cornwall in May. Details of all these concerts will be on our website and Facebook page so, if you are in the area, please do come and join us. And if you want to receive advance notice of our concerts then please join our mailing list which you can do through the new website or on a sign up sheet at our concerts. Looking forward to meeting both old and new faces.

Concerts in Lewes and Shoreham

Sat, 25 Nov 2023 to Sun, 26 Nov 2023

Well, another really fabulous weekend, with two concerts, to round off the year!
Friday evening saw us all meeting up at the St. Mary’s Social Centre in Lewes. Some of us had been lucky enough to travel the day before and so we had a lovely day in brilliant sunshine exploring Lewes. A very quaint old town with some beautiful buildings, an amazing ruined castle and lots of really lovely charity shops! After a lovely meal we settled down to an evening of rehearsal which actually went really well!

Saturday morning we were all gathered again to run through the second half of the repertoire and do some more detailed work on the newer pieces. A very nice lunch at a nearby pub was the order of the day, with a lot of fun and hilarity, and then back to more rehearsal. Most of us just had a few nibbles before getting the hall ready for the evening’s concert, putting out all the tables and chairs, hanging up Hannah’s lovely bunting and Kate’s endless stock of scarlet material to dress the stage, and setting up the tea and cake and merchandise tables! Then we were ready to go!! At first we began to think that no-one was going to come but people did slowly begin to drift through the door, not in large numbers it has to be said, but they more than made up for that with their enthusiasm and appreciation. It gave us the chance to talk to everyone during the interval, and even to have a cup of coffee ourselves – a great treat! And to round off the evening we all settled down to have a glass of wine and something to eat, followed by a game of “Guess that song” which involved us each in turn putting on the headphones and trying to mime the song we were hearing! Absolutely hilarious and a great way to round off the evening and relax.

Sunday morning we were allowed off rehearsal so we had a later start and cleared all our stuff from the hall and transported it over to the Methodist Church in Shoreham-by-Sea, which was wonderfully warm! A very quick sound check then all hands on deck to put out all the tables and chairs in the small hall for the refreshments. By 2.30pm the church was practically full and there was a lovely air of excitement. The concert went down really well, with a great response from the audience and very enthusiastic participation! Everyone was very complimentary again with a lot of positive feedback, a lot of the merchandise sold and a lot of people signed up to our mailing list too.

So a huge thank you to Ruth for doing such a magnificent job of organising and publicising the event single handedly – what a success! So that is it for 2023. Next year will see us with concerts in Cambridge in April and Cornwall in May. Details of all these concerts will be on our website and Facebook page so, if you are in the area, please do come and join us. And if you want to receive advance notice of our concerts then please join our mailing list. Looking forward to meeting both old and new faces in 2024.

Colwall Concert in the Malverns

Sun, 5 Nov 2023
Well, what a weekend!!! We thought we might have peaked in Liverpool and Edinburgh, but No – the roll continues!

Friday evening we had sectional rehearsals which are always very useful and then we all dispersed to our respective abodes for the night. Kate and Beryl had done a fantastic job ensuring that we all had beds in either their houses or at their friends houses and some of us were lucky enough to be within walking distance of the hall.

Saturday we spent much of the time working in detail on the new pieces which would be performed at the concert for the first time the next day, and also those which had been introduced at the beginning of the year. Jane’s attention to detail, not just the notes but the way to play each of those notes, is brilliant and we all feel that each time we meet she asks that little bit more from us and we are all so pleased if we actually manage to achieve it! The weather picked up a bit in the afternoon so some of us went for a walk up on the Malvern hills under the guidance of Kate’s husband, and the rest of us wandered down the lanes to the local Church where a Craft Fair was being held. The quality of the goods on sale was remarkable and I think everyone who went returned with lighter pockets and lots of beautiful gifts. We decided that where we had set up wasn’t ideal for the concert and general public entering, loo position etc, so we moved everything round and rehearsed again early and late evening, with another delicious meal between, and then staggered back home to bed.

Rehearsal again in the morning, broken only by a photographer friend of Kate’s coming in because he wanted to take some photographs of people’s hands as they played the accordion! And another move around as we decided that we were still in the wrong place for the audience! And it was just as well that we did. Because we set out tables and chairs for approximately 40 or so people, which is what we thought would probably be the maximum who would come. But as soon as the doors opened at 2pm there was a continuous stream of people through the door. We were rushing round like headless chickens trying to squash in as many chairs as we could and ended up using every single chair we could find. All in all over 80 people came through the door!! A fantastic turnout. During the interval and after the concert we had so much positive feedback, everyone was talking about how great they thought it was and how much they had enjoyed it.

So a huge thank you to Kate and Beryl for doing such a magnificent job of organising and publicising the event – what a success! So off to Sussex next – no pressure Ruth! – where we will be appearing at St. Mary’s Social Centre, Christie Road, Lewes on Saturday 25th November at 7.30pm and again on Sunday 26th November in the Methodist Church, Brunswick Road, Shoreham-by-Sea at 2.30pm. Details of all these concerts are on our website and Facebook so, if you are in the area, please do come and join us. And if you want to receive advance notice of our concerts then please join our mailing list. Looking forward to meeting both old and new faces.

Lovely sketch of the Ladies by a member of audience

Sketch of the Ladies by a member of the audience.

Edinburgh Concert

Sat, 22 Apr 2023

Another brilliant weekend and fabulous concert. The weather was very kind to us and Liz excelled herself with her organisational skills – everything worked perfectly. Some of us drove up on the Thursday which made for very stress free travelling, and gave us a day free to explore Edinburgh. A walk into town via some of the many fabulous charity shops, time out for coffee, a walk over to the Dovecote Gallery for lunch and an afternoon spent at the wonderful Kaffe Fassett exhibition of textiles and wall hangings – a fabulous relaxing day, followed by a lovely meal with Liz and Andrew. Unlike those who were unfortunately trying to travel by train on the Friday. There was a fatality on the line and many of trains travelling north had to be cancelled. But No1  Ladies are resourceful!! Several amended their journeys and detoured to the west side, others managed to stick it out and eventually get through and two aborted their train journey completely, went back home and came up by car – not the most relaxing start to the weekend!

The Morningside United Church was lovely, situated on one of the corners of Holy Corner – a wonderful intersection with a church on each of the corners. We were in the hall for rehearsal on the Friday evening which went well. There was a concert on in the main church so we were slightly worried about our volume but it all worked out just fine. We were spread around the city for overnight accommodation and three of us were offered fabulous accommodation in Stockbridge which involved a 20 minute bus ride, at the front on the top deck of course  – what an amazing bus service Edinburgh has!! – and then a short walk through parts of Edinburgh we had never seen before. It was fascinating, particularly the old tenement buildings which are not only several stories high, there are a further two stories below ground level with another walkway below the city pavement and wonderful stone and metal staircases down to each level. And seeing Edinburgh at night with the Castle and other prominent buildings all floodlit was spectacular.

Saturday saw us setting everything up in the church itself with rehearsals all day until about 4 pm. The acoustics were quite challenging at first as the sound was very echoey but we knew it would improve in the evening with lots of people in the audience. And lots of people there were too – about 100 in the audience so well done Edinburgh! The atmosphere was amazing, Liz obviously has a lot of friends, and it was lovey to see Ian Lowthian and his family there supporting us too. We thought the applause at the end was never going to stop! And there was huge audience participation in the encore and a standing ovation at the end, which, we were told afterwards, never or hardly ever happens in Edinburgh! Altogether a brilliant night.

We will be performing next in Colwall on Sunday 5th November, in Lewes on Saturday 25th November and in Shoreham on Sunday 26th November. Details of all these concerts will be on our website and Facebook so, if you are in any if those areas, please do come and join us. And if you want to receive advance notice of our concerts then please join our mailing list. Looking forward to meeting both old and new faces.

Merchandise Table at Edinburgh

Merchandise on table


Liverpool Concert

Sat, 11 Mar 2023
Well, what an amazing time we had in Liverpool! Apart from a bit of rain Saturday afternoon and the fact that Beryl and Sue weren’t able to be with us, everything was perfect. We had wondered whether or not we would all be able to get there, due to the snow which had fallen across the country the previous few days, and several members changed their travel arrangements to come by train instead. But we all managed it and everyone arrived in time for the evening meal. We re-acquainted ourselves with the layout of the Nordic Church - there seemed to be a lot more stairs than we remembered, always challenging with heavy accordions! -  but the rehearsal room was very spacious and lovely and warm. The catering was outstanding as always, but Melanie’s sticky toffee pudding definitely deserves a special mention! And we romped through the first half of the repertoire without too many problems.

Saturday morning we went through all the second half of the repertoire. We were introducing two new pieces this time so we spent quite a lot of time fine tuning those. After a substantial lunch we made our way over to Ullet Road Church where we would be performing that evening. The church hall was beautiful, timber trussed roof, complete with a very large wood burning stove set in a large inglenook with seats on either side. We went through a few of the pieces to get a feel for the acoustics, which were lovely – very clear and easy to hear what everyone was playing. Then we set all the tables and chairs out cabaret style with lovely red tablecloths and a few candles, plus all the areas for tickets, merchandise, serving drinks and cake. We had decided to sell drinks and cake before the concert as well as during the interval and this proved to be a very popular decision which we may well continue at future concerts. 
When the doors opened we were amazed at how many people had come – the room was full and we had to put out more chairs! The concert went extremely well and was very warmly received by an enthusiastic audience. Not only did they join in with clapping in the encore, they sang along with us too! Such a lovely evening and one we will remember for a long time. Complimentary tickets had been given to some Ukranian families living in the area, and they were so enthusiastic about the accordions – one of their little girls was already learning to play!

Sunday was a lovely crisp sunny day and some of us went for a quick walk before we started rehearsing again. I was particularly happy with a walk around Sefton park as I had spent many happy years  there when I was at college and it was a real trip down memory lane.

The morning was spent on the two new pieces which will be introduced into the repertoire in the autumn, with the afternoon just playing some old favourites, plus a couple we hadn’t seen before.
We all packed up at 3pm with short journeys ahead for some and extremely long ones for a few. A huge thanks to Elspeth for organising it all for us, Martin for all his work in the background, and, as ever, to Jane, who continues to be a total inspiration to us all.

We will be performing next in Edinburgh in the Morningside United Church, 15 Chamberlain Road, Edinburgh, EH10 4DH at 7.30pm on Saturday 22nd April, our last concert before the summer break. So if you are in that area please do come and join us – it’s just not the same without a nice big audience! All the details will be on our website and Facebook page and if you want to receive advance notice of our concerts then please join our mailing list. Lookingorward to meeting both old and new faces.

Ready for the concert - cabaret style

Rushton Rehearsal Weekend

Fri, 10 Feb 2023 to Sun, 12 Feb 2023

A cold, sunny weekend in February saw the No1 Ladies convening in the village hall in Rushton for our first rehearsal only weekend of 2023. We were very pleased to welcome two new members who were joining us for the first time. After a wonderful meal – Friday night was curry night plus two magnificent fruit crumbles – we settled down to an evening of sectional rehearsals. This was a real baptism of fire for Melanie and Tina as we worked our way steadily through the entire repertoire! So quite a late finish for us all. The indoor campers then had a nice gentle session whilst the rest of us repaired to the local premier Inn and indulged in a little wine and a lot of nibbles – or maybe it was the other way round……..!

Saturday dawned cold and sunny and Jane joined us at breakfast time for a full morning of repertoire rehearsal. The weather was so lovely that most went out for a walk in the afternoon – the hard path group and the cross country group – but we met up eventually at Rushworth Hall. The snowdrops and winter aconites were in full bloom and had put on a splendid show for us. Another rehearsal session before tea and then in the evening some very detailed practice of the new pieces, two of which will be in the repertoire at our next concert. More session playing and wine consumption to round off the day!

Sunday was rehearsal again but working mainly on the new pieces and particularly technique. Jane is a brilliant teacher and has improved our playing technique enormously, but now we are being pushed even harder! As we have slowly learnt over the years, the key to all accordion playing is bellows control. So we were concentrating on stressing and fading particular notes in a phrase and also learning how to do bellow shakes, a technique most of us know about but haven’t yet mastered successfully! One of our new pieces for the autumn concerts requires all of us to be able to do this together at the same time……………???

We all packed up at 3pm with short journeys ahead for some and extremely long ones for a few. A huge thanks to Frances for organising it all for us and, as ever, to Jane, who continues to be a total inspiration to us all.

We will be performing in Liverpool in the Unitarian Church, Ullet Road, Liverpool, L17 2AA              on Saturday March 11th at 7.30pm and in Edinburgh in the Morningside United Church, 15 Chamberlain Road, Edinburgh, EH10 4DH also at 7.30pm on Saturday 22nd April. If you are in either of those areas on those dates please do come and join us – it’s just not the same without a nice big audience! All the details will be on our website and Facebook page and if you want to receive advance notice of our concerts then please join our mailing list. Looking forward to meeting both old and new faces.

Bridport Concert

Sat, 19 Nov 2022

A cold, sunny weekend in the middle of November saw the No1 Ladies on the move again, this time down to Bridport in Dorset. The Unitarian Church, where we would be performing on the Saturday night, had very kindly offered indoor camping accommodation as well as our venue, together with 5 parking spaces outside, so that made life much easier for all of us. As ever, a cup of tea followed by a very tasty dinner was the order of the day, and it has to be noted that – very unusually - no wine was consumed as alcohol was not allowed on the Church premises! Friday evening was as usual our first rehearsal session and indeed it did go much better than it usually does, so maybe, just maybe, the absence of alcohol may have made a difference! The jury is out on that one!!

Saturday dawned cold and sunny and we had another good rehearsal in the morning. It was lovely to be able to rehearse in the space we would be doing the concert in, as it gives us the chance to get used to the acoustics and the feel of the space. We had a long lunch break which gave us all the opportunity to see a little of Bridport itself. The Saturday market was very lively with some fabulous stalls and several of us took advantage of them!

More rehearsal in the afternoon and then it was time to set everything up for the concert and the interval tea and cakes stall. We never ever know how many people we are likely to get in the audience as most people seem to prefer to pay on the door rather than booking beforehand. So you can imagine our delight when we had about 40 in the audience, and what a lovely enthusiastic audience they were too. Not only did they join in with the audience participation bit, they carried on……. and on……. and Jane had to stop them in time for the change of tempo! But the applause at the end was fabulous, several people on their feet and so many lovely comments afterwards.

Sunday was rehearsal again but working on the new pieces for next years repertoire. The Welsh contingent left at lunch time but the others continued until early afternoon. What a fabulous way to finish 2022. A huge thanks to Sue for all her hard work and organisation and, as ever, to Jane, who continues to be a total inspiration to us all.

We are taking a break now but we will be in Liverpool in March and Edinburgh in April 2023. All the details will be on our website and Facebook page and if you want to receive advance notice of our concerts then please join our mailing list. Looking forward to meeting both old and new faces in the new year.

Bicester Concert

Sat, 29 Oct 2022

Perhaps the weekend at the end of the half term week wasn’t the best choice for our concert weekend in Bicester!! For those who had a fair distance to travel and who had to navigate their way through major traffic hold ups around the Birmingham area the journey was somewhat of a nightmare and very long! However, a delicious meal and a glass or two of wine helped to restore our sanity. Friday evening was rehearsal time and then a much needed sleep.

Saturday we were all refreshed and had a really good rehearsal. Elspeth was able to join us for the day on zoom as she had unfortunately gone down with Covid the week before, and it should be noted that all her playing was absolutely note perfect! We managed to finish with some time to spare which gave us a chance to go out and get some fresh air and exercise, or just lounge about drinking tea. We made our way over to St. Edburgh’s Church to set up and have a sound check. The church was beautiful, perfect amount of space for us, good lighting and a sense of happy anticipation. We had all taken a picnic to eat and then a warm up with Debbie and we were ready for the off. There were a pleasing number of people in the audience, including several old friends who have supported us many times over the years – lovely to see them again. And some friends of Elspeth’s, who came all the way down from Liverpool to hear us, even though she wasn’t able to be there – a special thanks to them for their dedicated support. A smaller group of the Ladies then went on to one of the local pubs to entertain all the punters with a very lively session which was extremely well received. There was also a little improvisation of the words to some of the songs to them mire relevant to the No1 Ladies!!

Sunday was rehearsal again, this time working on some fabulous new pieces for next years repertoire. A friend of Debi’s joined us in the morning to play along with us and we are hoping that she may join us in the orchestra next year. The Scottish and Welsh contingent left after lunch as they all had long journeys ahead of them, but the rest of us continued playing until 4pm – our enthusiasm knows no bounds!!

All in all another fabulous weekend. A huge thanks to Debi and Mark for all their help and organisation and indeed to Jane for finding us so many lovely new pieces to play. If you want to feel a part of it come and join us at the United Church in Bridport on Saturday 19th November at 7.30. You will find all the details on our website and Facebook and if you are on our mailing list you will be automatically reminded! Hope to see some of you there.


Cornwall Rehearsal Only Weekend

Fri, 23 Sep 2022 to Sun, 25 Sep 2022
A sunny weekend at the end of September down at Karen’s was just perfect for our rehearsal only weekend. Several ladies arrived on the Thursday and so were able to enjoy a meal out together and then swimming at one of the local beaches on the Friday morning. By late afternoon on Friday everyone had arrived except for Hannah who unfortunately wasn’t able to make it this time and so would be joining us all on zoom for the weekend. Rehearsals started in the evening after a wonderful meal with a run through the first half of the repertoire, and then two new pieces for the repertoire next year, one of which is quite challenging for some of us! But that is one of the many delights of being in the orchestra. We are always being challenged to improve our technique, and learn new ways of playing.

Saturday was rehearsals all morning and into the afternoon but then, because it was such a glorious day and we had been so good(!), we had time out to enjoy the sunshine. One group went for a walk up on the moor, another group went back to the beach for a swim, and some just chilled out and enjoyed the sunshine. More rehearsing in the evening.

Sunday was rehearsal again in the morning and then we gave a very informal short concert to some of Karen’s friends, which was greatly enjoyed, as was the Cornish cream tea afterwards – best ever scones!!! We all then relaxed in the sunshine or went for a walk before another lovely meal, a lot of wine and then some challenging sight reading with possible new pieces for the future!

All in all a fabulous weekend in beautiful scenery, gorgeous sunshine and wonderful company. A huge thanks to Karen and Matt for their amazing hospitality and organisation and to each and every one of the Ladies – we have created something truly remarkable – so much more than just an accordion orchestra. If you want to feel a part of it come and join us at one of our upcoming concerts. We will be performing in St. Edburgh’s Church in Bicester on Saturday 29th October at 7.30 and the United Church in Bridport on Saturday 19th November also at 7.30. You will find all the details on our website and Facebook and if you are on our mailing list you will be automatically reminded! Hope to see some of you there.

Lunch at the Linhay - rehearsal weekends are great social events


Caernarfon Concert

Sun, 22 May 2022

Finally recovered from a full on extended weekend in Wales! We had two concerts, the first on the Saturday night after a day of rehearsal. The hall was huge!! But the staff there very kindly arranged it as cabaret seating and we eschewed the stage in favour of setting up on the floor of the hall too. The audience may not have been huge, but they were so enthusiastic and appreciative – lots of positive feedback and an invitation to return – it was a pleasure to play for them all. We had a sweepstake prior to the doors opening on how many would come – won by Karen!! Big thank you to Jayne and her staff for all their help.

Sunday we went to the Old Court House in Caernarfon in the morning and set up on the stage so that we could have a short rehearsal. And what a beautiful space it was! A smallish area of cabaret seating on the ground floor, then not just one, but two, balconies above with small tables and seating. We had several dressing rooms available for our use – predictably Karen and Debi commandeered the artistes dressing room – and the venue laid on a lovely luncheon for us. Another fabulously receptive audience and again lots of positive feedback. We will definitely be back at both venues in the future. A big thank you to Moira and her staff for looking after us so well.

We had to say goodbye to a few of the ladies after the concert, but a group of us had a lovely stroll round Caernarfon in the sunshine, then back to the hostel for an evening of, yes you’ve guessed it, more playing!! Possible future repertoire this time although, after imbibing a certain amount of wine during the course of the evening, our playing maybe wasn’t always of the highest standard!

We will be on a break now over Summer with our next rehearsal weekend scheduled for Cornwall in September. Two more concert weekends to come later in the year and there will be details of these on our website in due course.

Thank you everyone for all your support and encouragement. We love what we do and it is even nicer when you all seem to love it too!


Brought to you by Making Music
Copyright © 2024 No 1 Ladies Accordion Orchestra